Thanks to our easy to use technology, recording a conference call with Zip Conferencing is easy and its free. That’s right even if you never do anything with it why not record every conference call just in case. We store them for 30 days and if you need it its there. There could be any number of reasons to record a call and all you have to do is enter a simple command using your telephone when you join your meeting. The recording will stop automatically when the conference ends. You will receive an email from the system when the recording is ready. Then you can access the recording if you need to a few different ways.
- The easiest thing to do is simply dial into our system and listen to the recording. This is especially helpful if someone misses the conference call. You can provide them with the dial in and access information for the recording and they can dial in when it is convenient for them and listen to the call. Commands allow the listener to start, stop, pause, forward and reverse the recording. In accessing the recording you simply pay the same as if the person dialed into the conference call when it was live.
- You can also download a copy of the recording. If you want to retain a copy of the call or post a file on your web site you can download a copy of the recording from your online account. The recordings come in a variety of formats and will simply save as a file on your computer. A fee of $25 is charged if you download a recording of your call.
- Or you can order a CD of the recording. We will download the recording for you and place it on a CD and send to you. The recording is available in a variety of formats. The fee for a CD recording of your conference call is $25 plus shipping and handling.
So why not record your next conference call just in case you need it.