So it’s your first official conference call. You’re nervous about your business partners on the other line, the quality, the conversation, and everything in between…We get it! We have been there before. Here are a few tips to keep you feeling professional and on task.
Plan Ahead
If you have a meeting scheduled, write in into your day calendar. Set alerts on your phone and computer. Make sure you have all the documentation beforehand and, while you’re in the meeting, try not to be distracted by other phone calls, employees, or even the ball game. Send your incoming calls to your voicemail and concentrate at the meeting at hand. With fewer distractions, more can be accomplished during the call.
Come Prepared
If your host has emailed or sent an agenda of sorts, have that ready along with the other materials that are requested to be present during the meeting. Nothing is more unproductive than a disorganized call. Community efforts plummet and a lack of information could lead to wasted time explaining information that should already have been clear. Your input and question are usually encouraged, so have the information in front of you.
Don’t Be Late
Probably one of the more common no-brainers: arrive to your phone call on time! Countless times have we been in calls and halfway through the agenda we’re suddenly interrupted by the beep of someone arriving later than scheduled. Not only is it rude, it’s very distracting and aggravating. The host of the call may even feel a little discouraged because they have spent the time and effort in preparing this call and gathering the information needed for a successful meeting. Being late and interrupting them could ruin their confidence!
The Introduction Matters
When you come onto the line, introduce yourself professionally. The speaker and guests need and deserve to know who they are talking to. Avoid rambling about your past achievements or accomplishments that are irrelevant to the call, but make sure to provide enough information so that your people know who you are and what you do. “Good Morning! This is Tim, the director of sales from the Northern branch,” should suffice.
Pay Attention & Participate
Sitting and listening to a plastic box isn’t a load of fun, we know. It can be easy to daydream or stop paying attention all together. You’ll want to try to stay focused on the task at hand and avoid fiddling with office supply like tapping pencils or shuffling papers. Avoid chairs that squeak and if you must speak to another in the room, be mindful of the mute button. You also don’t want to be caught off guard when your opinion or input is required by the speaker. Your participation is usually encouraged during calls. Allow your voice to be heard without overbearing or interrupting others. Feel free to pitch your ideas or changes your may find more efficient to the issue at hand with confidence. Or, if you’re happy with the idea, let your speaker know you approve. They may appreciate the encouragement.